Read more about the article Constellation: A Shining Star in Energy Production
Overview of Constellation Energy Corporation in the Oswego area. The company operates James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant and Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station. It’s the second largest private employer in Oswego County with 1,300 employees.

Constellation: A Shining Star in Energy Production

The nation’s largest provider of carbon-free energy discusses its challenges in Oswego By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant For the past decade, Constellation Energy Corporation has remained America’s top producer of carbon-free…

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Read more about the article Port Has Record Aluminum Intake, Specialty Freight Projects
The port moved more than 11,000 tons of specialty freight in 2023. These included components for a new lithium battery recycling facility in Rochester, components for a Novelis production line update and a giant transformer (pictured) for a local nuclear power plant.

Port Has Record Aluminum Intake, Specialty Freight Projects

Whether it was thousands of tons of aluminum ingots, grain or a giant transformer, the Port of Oswego Authority handled them all, had another record year in 2023, and is…

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Read more about the article Mayor Barlow: “State of the city is strong”
JC Penney on the Oswego Plaza in Oswego is closing after doing business in the city since 1976. Hobby Lobby — and possibly Texas Roadside restaurant — will take its place.

Mayor Barlow: “State of the city is strong”

Sure, the city is losing JC Penney but it’s gaining a new Hobby Lobby and possibly a Texas Roadhouse franchise By Stefan Yablonski “There is an undeniable renewed confidence in…

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Read more about the article Outlook for Small Business Will Depend on Each Sector
Bernard J. Paprocki, director of the U.S. Small Business Administration Upstate New York District.

Outlook for Small Business Will Depend on Each Sector

“The outlook for Central New York small businesses this year will likely vary depending on the industry, but overall, there continue to be headwinds,” said Bernard J. Paprocki, director of…

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