Read more about the article Basking in Flavor
The sous vide duck leg at Red Sun Fire Roasting Co had a crispy, delicious skin braised with orange pekoe tea. It was also covered with a raspberry and Riesling coulis.

Basking in Flavor

The Red Sun Fire Roasting Co. in Oswego sizzles By Christopher Malone There’s a lot to take in when stepping foot inside Oswego’s The Red Sun Fire Roasting Co., located…

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Read more about the article Delectable Downtown Diner
BBQ burger ($7.75) at Sherry’s Downtown Diner. The thick patty was cooked medium, came with lettuce, two onion rings and a slathering of barbecue sauce.

Delectable Downtown Diner

Nothing Beats a Diner — and Sherry’s Downtown Diner in Oswego Won’t Disappoint You By Christopher Malone Oh, Sherry, your food holds up. It’s interesting to visit a location for…

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Read more about the article Drive In and Stay a While
A guilty pleasure everyone can agree on: The loaded twisters for breakfast ($6.29) at Mimi’s Drive-In in Fulton.

Drive In and Stay a While

Mimi’s puts the “full” in Fulton By Christopher Malone I’ve been on a diner kick, which made choosing Mimi’s Drive-In in Fulton an easy first-choice when narrowing down the restaurants…

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Read more about the article Comfort Cuisine Cruise-In
The light, golden-colored pancakes had a light crisp around the edge. The bacon was not too crispy, not too flimsy, but just right.

Comfort Cuisine Cruise-In

Grist Mill country-style staples off the grill By Christopher Malone Full disclosure — I was headed to a different location to accomplish this edition’s restaurant review. Perhaps the appeal of…

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