The Fast Track to Small Business Workshops can help those aspiring small business entrepreneurs get on the right track in starting their enterprises.
The 20-hour workshops, sponsored by the New York State Small Business Development Center, focus on a range of topics, including accounting-budget, business financing, business plan, business start-up-preplanning, legal issues, and marketing-sales ownership.
The sessions are led by professionals in their respective fields.
The workshops help navigate some of the challenges of starting up a small business.
The program encapsulates the basics, according to Robert Griffin, regional director of the North Central Small Business Development Center, which is part of the broader New York SBDC network.
“When they’ve gone through it, they come out on the other side having at least a pretty good foundational awareness of all of the major points about starting an operating business,” he said. “They are armed with more information than they had when they came in.”
They will be better prepared to have productive conversations with accountants, attorneys, and bankers, he explained. And it also helps some to determine if entrepreneurship is the right path for them, he added.
For those going through the Department of Labor self-employment assistance program or involved in various micro enterprise grants and loan programs, the Fast Track workshops count toward meeting their educational requirements, Griffin pointed out.
The workshops, offered every month except for December, are presented in a hybrid format, providing additional access. The next one will be held on March 4, 6 and 11 at 121 E. First St., Oswego. The cost is $125, and the registration deadline is March 2.
To register for the workshop, visit
For more information on other workshops or entrepreneurship programs throughout the year, go to