By Wagner Dotto
We just published our 27th annual Business Guide. A thank-you note to our advertisers is in order. Without those who advertise we would not be able to publish this annual guide and distribute it widely in the area. We mail the publication to about 5,000 businesses and professionals and drop off a number of copies free of charge at various strategic locations.
It’s packed with information about the largest employers in Central and Northern New York. Advertisers large and small have enabled us to publish it and we thank them.
Readers can find out who the major employers are, what they do, how to contact them and how to find more information about them.
This is one of our more ambitious projects of the year. We literally contact hundreds of companies in the region — by letter, emails, phone calls — tons of phone calls.
We get basic information from each company. Then we put it all together, ranking the largest employers.
Because our home base is Oswego County, the guide lists a lot more businesses from this county than from other places, like Onondaga, Cayuga or Jefferson counties. The plan for the next edition is to increase the number of employees we list, especially from Onondaga County, CNY’s economic engine (in this issue we list the top 25 employers in Onondaga).
The Business Guide is truly a great resource. It’s all there — right to the point, easy to follow and with all the hard data easily accessible. The guide is also available online at www.oswegocountybusiness.com. On the site, just click the cover of the guide and visitors will be sent to the digital edition, where they can flip through it.
One of my favorite parts is the one featuring profiles of CEOs and leaders at various companies and organizations in CNY. The segment is fun to read and we learn a great deal about the background of those who lead major businesses and organizations here. These leaders talk about their educational background, career, management style, hobbies and, equally important, they talk about ways CNY can become a better place.
If you don’t have the guide, please send me an email and I’ll be happy to send you a copy.
Wagner Dotto is the publisher of Oswego County Business Magazine.