L. Michael Treadwell
Gov. Kathy Hochul announced in December that an additional $196 million had been awarded to support 488 projects across New York state from agency programs that participated in round 11 of the Regional Economic Development Council (REDC) initiative.
The Central New York Regional Economic Development Council (CNY REDC), which includes the counties of Cayuga, Cortland, Madison, Onondaga and Oswego, was awarded over $21 million in economic and community development funding to support 58 projects.
Nineteen of those projects are in Oswego County and represent $5,002,470 in awards toward $15,466,626 in total project investment costs.
See table below for a breakdown of the projects across the CNY region by county.

As the chart outlines, Oswego County had the largest total number of projects and the second largest total award value.
In Oswego County, the projects were widely dispersed. There were three projects each in the cities of Fulton and Oswego. There were also three countywide projects. Additionally, there were two projects in the town of Volney, one project in the town of Granby, two in the town of Hastings and one in the town of Richland. Finally, there were two projects in the village of Pulaski, one in the village of Mexico and one in the village of Parish.
Below are the descriptions of the projects.
Liland Trade & Radiator Service, Inc. will purchase and renovate a portion of the former Miller Brewery in town of Volney, allowing the company to expand into the facility. Renovations will include roof repairs, upgrading lighting and dock doors, geothermal HVAC and solar investments, and purchasing and installing equipment. They were awarded $1 million through an Empire State Development (ESD) grant and an additional $1 million through the ESD Excelsior Jobs Program for this $11 million project which will create 50 jobs.
The Square Valley Trail Blazers, Inc., in the town of Hastings, will acquire trail grooming equipment to maintain a portion of the New York State Snowmobile Trail System network within Oswego County. Trails maintained by the club allow for easy access to regional trails in the Tug Hill, Oneida County, Onondaga County and Cayuga County. They were awarded $184,369 through the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation’s Recreational Trails Program for this $230,462 project.
The City of Fulton’s Towpath Trail project will involve the construction of two trailhead parking lots providing access to a new accessible fishing overlook on the Oswego Canal and to a car-top boat launch area. They were awarded $150,000 through the canals program for this $751,900 project.
The City of Fulton’s Pathfinder Canal on Davis-Standard Waterfront project will also install bioretention, porous pavement and a riparian buffer to treat stormwater along the Erie Canal. They were awarded $1,030,000 through the Environmental Facilities Corporation’s Green Innovation Grant Program for this $1,144,700 project.
Oswego County’s Oswego River Public Access Boat Launch Phase II project will continue the creation of new public access to the Oswego River on 7.83 acres of undeveloped land along State Route 481 in the city of Oswego. The project will construct an ADA compliant trail to the river, shoreline stabilization, and a paddler’s boat launch and retrieval. Located on the east bank of the Oswego River between Locks 5 and 6, the site provides new access to the river without navigating a lock. They were awarded $196,139 through the Department of State’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program for this $261,519 project.
The town of Richland’s Richland Pocket Park project will create Fireman’s Pond Park and revitalize and expand Hamlet Park to increase recreational opportunities in the community and improve the quality of life for residents of all ages, abilities and income levels. They were awarded $233,424 through the Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation’s Environmental Protection Fund for this $233,424 project.
The city of Oswego’s Breitbeck Park Improvements project will upgrade with a new lake-themed playground and acquire new equipment. The improvements advance the city’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program and Breitbeck Park Master Site Plan by enhancing recreational opportunities for families and children. The project complements the new mini golf course, adding to the desirability of the park as a destination for residents and visitors. They were awarded $412,267 through the Department of State’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program for this $549,689 project.
The city of Fulton’s WPCP Improvements project will develop an engineering report to evaluate upgrade alternatives and recommend improvements to the City’s wastewater treatment system. They were awarded $30,000 through an Environmental Facilities Corporation’s Wastewater Infrastructure Engineering Planning Grant for this $36,000 project.
The city of Oswego’s Canal Bright Lights project will install and use aesthetic and programmable lighting on the O&W Railroad Promenade & Bikeway bridge for enhanced nighttime illumination. They were awarded $144,771 through the canals program for this $289,542 project.
Oswego County’s County-Wide Infrastructure Authority Feasibility project will complete an assessment of the county’s current infrastructure capacity and the option for consolidated regional management. They were awarded $60,000 through the Department of State’s Local Government Efficiency Grant Program for this $120,000 project.
The Oswego County Soil and Water Conservation District’s village of Pulaski Stormwater Study project will hire an engineering firm to study a drainage area on the west side of the village of Pulaski. The report will offer recommendations for reducing sediment reaching the Salmon River. The primary focus will be the sediment retention pond near Lake Street but additional stormwater practices will be identified to reduce stormwater runoff into the Salmon River. They were awarded $30,000 through the Department of Environmental Conservation’s Nonpoint Source Program for this $33,000 project.

The town of Granby’s Granby Smart Growth Comprehensive Plan will address farmland preservation, growth in and around town centers served by infrastructure, water quality and flood protection, housing options and the advancement of recreational opportunities for residents and visitors. The plan will also focus on the need for affordable pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure improvements as well as the need for renewable energy options. They were awarded $50,000 through the Environmental Facilities Corporation’s Engineering Planning Grant for this $71,355 project.
The town of Hastings’ East River Road Pump Station and Force Main project seeks the development of an engineering report to evaluate alternatives for a new East River Road Pump Station force main and recommended improvements to the town of Hastings’ wastewater collection treatment system. They were award $30,000 through the Environmental Facilities Corporation’s Engineering Planning Grant for this $36,000 project.
The town of Hastings’ Local Waterfront Revitalization Program will prepare a Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) to guide desired and sustainable development along Oneida River, a segment of the Barge Canal System. The LWRP will analyze existing waterfront conditions, coastal policies and local regulations, proposed future land uses, water uses and projects and strategies for implementation. They were awarded $76,500 through Department of State’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program for this $90,000 project.
The village of Mexico’s Reducing Infiltration and Inflow Study #2 will develop an engineering report to identify sources of inflow and infiltration, evaluate alternative and recommend improvements to the village of Mexico’s wastewater collection systems. They were awarded $30,000 through the Environmental Facilities Corporation’s Engineering Planning Grant for this $36,000 project.
The village of Parish II Investigations project will develop an engineering report to identify sources of inflow and infiltration, evaluate alternative and recommend improvements to the village of Parish’s wastewater collection system. They were awarded $30,000 through the Environmental Facilities Corporation’s Engineering Planning Grant for this $84,000 project.
The village of Pulaski’s Stormwater System Improvements for Salmon River Flooding Mitigation project will develop an engineering report to evaluate stormwater system rehabilitation alternatives and recommend improvements to the village of Pulaski’s stormwater collection system. They were awarded $30,000 through the Environmental Facilities Corporation’s Engineering Planning Grant for this $36,000 project.
The village of Pulaski’s Water Meter project will install water meters with advanced meter reading technology. This project will record water usage in previously unmetered areas of the village. They were awarded $285,000 through the Environmental Facilities Corporation’s Green Innovation Grant Program for this $385,320 project.
A large number of the projects address important infrastructure goals identified in the Oswego County Economic Advancement Plan that was developed a few years ago. The Advancement Plan continues to be Operation Oswego County’s and the county’s guide toward progress and a better future for all of its citizens.
‘A large number of the projects address important infrastructure goals identified in the Oswego County Economic Advancement Plan that was developed a few years ago.’
