Read more about the article Oswego County’s Top Projects
Attis Industries completed acquisition of the corn ethanol and grain malting operation in Fulton from Sunoco, LP in 2019. The company’s aggressive desire to expand its innovative suite of green technologies into marketable products is a huge economic development opportunity in terms of developing the surrounding property and further highlighting the site.

Oswego County’s Top Projects

Many transformative projects taking place in 2020 look to bolster economic development in Oswego County; highlights of 2019 include city of Fulton receiving $10 million in state Downtown Revitalization Initiative…

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Read more about the article Oswego Still Riding High
Construction of the LITATRO (acronym for “Luck is the Ability to recognize opportunity”) building, seen as the future cornerstone of downtown Oswego, is well under way and ahead of schedule. It will be a five-story, mixed-use hub for businesses and 21 upscale apartments. Restaurants on the first floor and a rooftop deck are expected, as is underground parking.

Oswego Still Riding High

Downtown Revitalization Initiative projects coming to fruition; new spirit of prosperity returning to Port City By Lou Sorendo The city of Oswego is still riding high on the momentum created…

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