Read more about the article New Hybrid CNA Class Expedites Training
Certified Nursing Assistant CNA theme with pink piggy bank with chalkboard in the background as concept image of the costs of education

New Hybrid CNA Class Expedites Training

Elemental’s program is bringing more workers into long-term care By Deborah Jeanne Sergeant The shortage of certified nurse assistants has challenged nearly all long-term care facilities since even before the…

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Excellus and Wellbe Senior Medical Collaborate to Bring In-home Care to Those in Need

Excellus BlueCross BlueShield has announced a new multi-year collaboration with Wellbe Senior Medical, an independent company that will bring care directly to the homes of some of their most vulnerable…

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Read more about the article ConnextCare’s Tricia Peter-Clark Recognized for Leadership
ConnextCare leadership; from left: physician Patrick Carguello, chief medical officer and senior vice president; Kenneth Martin, director of information services; Stephanie Earle, director of human resources; Tracy Wimmer, chief financial officer and vice president; Tricia Peter-Clark, president and chief executive officer; Steven Gaffney, president of the board of directors; Patsy Spears, administrative coordinator; Nancy Deavers, senior vice president and chief nursing and quality officer; Caitlin Doran-Prior, corporate compliance officer.

ConnextCare’s Tricia Peter-Clark Recognized for Leadership

The ConnextCare board of directors presented the ConnextCare’s President and CEO Tricia Peter-Clark with a leadership award for her guidance, vision and advocacy for the organization. The event took place…

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Read more about the article Salt City Market Celebrates a Mix of Cultures, Foods and More
Ngoc Huynh was born in Vietnam, raised in Nebraska and learned to cook from her mother and aunts. She owns Mamma Hai restaurant at Salt City Market.

Salt City Market Celebrates a Mix of Cultures, Foods and More

By Mary Beth Roach The Salt City Market in downtown Syracuse celebrates a mix of cultures with a smorgasbord of ethnic food booths, several of which are run by immigrants,…

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Read more about the article The Port City Hosts NYS Outdoor Writers Association
Retired outdoors writer for The Post-Standard/ and vice presidents of NYSOWA, Dave Figura shows off a chinook salmon he caught in the waters of Lake Ontario. Photo provided

The Port City Hosts NYS Outdoor Writers Association

Thirty of the top outdoor communicators in NYS to visit Oswego County, sample what the area has to offer By Tom and Jerry Caraccioli Since 1967 the New York State…

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